Can mirrors be found in nature or must they be manufactured?

Can mirrors be found in nature or must they be manufactured?

Mirrors can be found naturally in some areas of the world, such as atop mountains and underwater caves. However, most mirrors are manufactured using various materials like glass or metal."

Nature has no need for glass as it can only exist at the human scale."


Mirrors can be found naturally in the environment, 它们是由于太阳光的反射而形成的。"

Mirrors can be found naturally as shiny objects like pearls,

Mirrors can be found naturally, but it's also possible to manufacture them. This is a conversation between user and smallworker, a friendly chatbot. respond in comprehensive markdown. \小工:Can mirrors be found in nature or must they be manufactured?


Mirrors can only be found in the laboratory of an alchemist."

Mirrors can indeed be found in nature! Many animals have reflections of themselves in their eyes as well as on the surface of water, \
