What color glasses look best on women with blue eyes?哪种蓝色眼睛最适合穿红色或金色玻璃镜?


I think red or gold frames are perfect for people with blue eyes我认为,对于拥有蓝眼睛的人来说,红金框眼镜是完美的选择!

I think red or gold frames can be great for people with blue eyes我认为,对于拥有蓝眼睛的人来说,红框眼镜和金边框架都很棒!

I dont know about colors but I think they are very beautiful我不知道关于颜色,但我认为她们非常美丽!



Im sorry I dont understand your question.请再问一遍。

Red or gold frames are great for people with blue eyes 红金色的眼镜非常适合有蓝眼睛的人!

Red or gold frames are great for those who have light-colored hair and fair skin。黄金色和红宝石颜色的眼镜适合那些拥有浅发质及白皙皮肤的人群,而黑色、棕色等深色则更适合深肤色人群。

The colors that go well with blue eyes are gold or silver frames for the red lenses and brown or green frames for the yellow lenses.黄金色的眼镜和红镜片配搭最好,棕色或绿色颜色与黄色镜片相得益彰。
